The developers complained that their test database was so much slower than production that they could not use it to really test whether their batch processes would run fast enough when migrated to production. They did not give me any particular queries to check. Instead they said that the system was generally too slow. So, I went through a process to find SQL statements that they had run in test and that normally run in production and compare their run times. I thought that I would document the process that I went through here.
First I found the top 100 queries by elapsed time on both the test and production databases using this query:
column FORCE_MATCHING_SIGNATURE format 99999999999999999999 select FORCE_MATCHING_SIGNATURE from (select FORCE_MATCHING_SIGNATURE, sum(ELAPSED_TIME_DELTA) total_elapsed from DBA_HIST_SQLSTAT where FORCE_MATCHING_SIGNATURE is not null and FORCE_MATCHING_SIGNATURE <>0 group by FORCE_MATCHING_SIGNATURE order by total_elapsed desc) where rownum < 101;
The output looked like this:
FORCE_MATCHING_SIGNATURE ------------------------ 944718698451269965 4634961225655610267 15939251529124125793 15437049687902878835 2879196232471320459 12776764566159396624 14067042856362022182 ...
Then I found the signatures that were in common between the two lists.
insert into test_sigs values (944718698451269965); insert into test_sigs values (4634961225655610267); insert into test_sigs values (15939251529124125793); ... insert into prod_sigs values (3898230136794347827); insert into prod_sigs values (944718698451269965); insert into prod_sigs values (11160330134321800286); ... select * from test_sigs intersect select * from prod_sigs;
This led to 32 values of FORCE_MATCHING_SIGNATURE which represented queries that ran on both test and production, except for the possible difference in constants.
Next I looked at the overall performance of these 32 queries in test and production using this query:
create table common_sigs (FORCE_MATCHING_SIGNATURE number); insert into common_sigs values (575231776450247964); insert into common_sigs values (944718698451269965); insert into common_sigs values (1037345866341698119); ... select sum(executions_delta) total_executions, sum(ELAPSED_TIME_DELTA)/(sum(executions_delta)*1000), sum(CPU_TIME_DELTA)/(sum(executions_delta)*1000), sum(IOWAIT_DELTA)/(sum(executions_delta)*1000), sum(CLWAIT_DELTA)/(sum(executions_delta)*1000), sum(APWAIT_DELTA)/(sum(executions_delta)*1000), sum(CCWAIT_DELTA)/(sum(executions_delta)*1000), sum(BUFFER_GETS_DELTA)/sum(executions_delta), sum(DISK_READS_DELTA)/sum(executions_delta), sum(ROWS_PROCESSED_DELTA)/sum(executions_delta) from DBA_HIST_SQLSTAT ss,common_sigs cs where ss.FORCE_MATCHING_SIGNATURE = cs.FORCE_MATCHING_SIGNATURE;
Here is part of the output:
TOTAL_EXECUTIONS Elapsed Average ms CPU Average ms IO Average ms ---------------- ------------------ -------------- ------------- 5595295 366.185529 241.92785 59.8682797 430763 1273.75822 364.258421 1479.83294
The top line is production and the bottom is test.
This result supported the development team’s assertion that test was slower than production. The 32 queries averaged about 3.5 times longer run times in test than in production. Also, the time spent on I/O was about 25 times worse. I am not sure why the I/O time exceeded the elapsed time on test. I guess it has something to do with how Oracle measures I/O time. But clearly on average these 32 queries are much slower on test and I/O time probably caused most of the run time difference.
After noticing this big difference between test and production I decided to get these same sorts of performance metrics for each signature to see if certain ones were worse than others. The query looked like this:
select ss.FORCE_MATCHING_SIGNATURE, sum(executions_delta) total_executions, sum(ELAPSED_TIME_DELTA)/(sum(executions_delta)*1000), sum(CPU_TIME_DELTA)/(sum(executions_delta)*1000), sum(IOWAIT_DELTA)/(sum(executions_delta)*1000), sum(CLWAIT_DELTA)/(sum(executions_delta)*1000), sum(APWAIT_DELTA)/(sum(executions_delta)*1000), sum(CCWAIT_DELTA)/(sum(executions_delta)*1000), sum(BUFFER_GETS_DELTA)/sum(executions_delta), sum(DISK_READS_DELTA)/sum(executions_delta), sum(ROWS_PROCESSED_DELTA)/sum(executions_delta) from DBA_HIST_SQLSTAT ss,common_sigs cs where ss.FORCE_MATCHING_SIGNATURE = cs.FORCE_MATCHING_SIGNATURE having sum(executions_delta) > 0 group by ss.FORCE_MATCHING_SIGNATURE order by ss.FORCE_MATCHING_SIGNATURE;
I put together the outputs from running this query on test and production and lined the result up like this:
FORCE_MATCHING_SIGNATURE PROD Average ms TEST Average ms ------------------------ ------------------ ------------------ 575231776450247964 20268.6719 16659.4585 944718698451269965 727534.558 3456111.6 * 1037345866341698119 6640.87641 8859.53518 1080231657361448615 3611.37698 4823.62857 2879196232471320459 95723.5569 739287.601 * 2895012443099075884 687272.949 724081.946 3371400666194280661 1532797.66 761762.181 4156520416999188213 109238.997 213658.722 4634693999459450255 4923.8897 4720.16455 5447362809447709021 2875.37308 2659.5754 5698160695928381586 17139.6304 16559.1932 6260911340920427003 290069.674 421058.874 * 7412302135920006997 20039.0452 18951.6357 7723300319489155163 18045.9756 19573.4784 9153380962342466451 1661586.53 1530076.01 9196714121881881832 5.48003488 5.13169472 9347242065129163091 4360835.92 4581093.93 11140980711532357629 3042320.88 5048356.99 11160330134321800286 6868746.78 6160556.38 12212345436143033196 5189.7972 5031.30811 12776764566159396624 139150.231 614207.784 * 12936428121692179551 3563.64537 3436.59365 13637202277555795727 7360.0632 6410.02772 14067042856362022182 859.732015 771.041714 14256464986207527479 51.4042938 48.9237251 14707568089762185958 627.586095 414.14762 15001584593434987669 1287629.02 1122151.35 15437049687902878835 96014.9782 996974.876 * 16425440090840528197 48013.8912 50799.6184 16778386062441486289 29459.0089 26845.8327 17620933630628481201 51199.0511 111785.525 * 18410003796880256802 581563.611 602866.609
I put an asterisk (*) beside the six queries that were much worse on test than production. I decided to focus on these six to get to the bottom of the reason between the difference. Note that many of the 32 queries ran about the same on test as prod so it really isn’t the case that everything was slow on test.
Now that I had identified the 6 queries I wanted to look at what they were spending their time on including both CPU and wait events. I used the following query to use ASH to get a profile of the time spent by these queries on both databases:
select case SESSION_STATE when 'WAITING' then event else SESSION_STATE end TIME_CATEGORY, (count(*)*10) seconds from DBA_HIST_ACTIVE_SESS_HISTORY where FORCE_MATCHING_SIGNATURE in ('944718698451269965', '2879196232471320459', '6260911340920427003', '12776764566159396624', '15437049687902878835', '17620933630628481201') group by SESSION_STATE,EVENT order by seconds desc;
The profile looked like this in test:
TIME_CATEGORY SECONDS ------------------------ ------- db file parallel read 207450 ON CPU 141010 db file sequential read 62990 direct path read 36980 direct path read temp 29240 direct path write temp 23110
The profile looked like this in production:
TIME_CATEGORY SECONDS ------------------------ ------- ON CPU 433260 PX qref latch 64200 db file parallel read 35730 db file sequential read 14360 direct path read 12750 direct path write temp 12000
So, I/O waits dominate the time on test but not production. Since db file parallel read and db file sequential read were the top I/O waits for these 6 queries I used ash to see which of the 6 spent the most time on these waits.
db file parallel read:
select 2 sql_id, 3 (count(*)*10) seconds 4 from DBA_HIST_ACTIVE_SESS_HISTORY 5 where 6 FORCE_MATCHING_SIGNATURE in 7 ('944718698451269965', 8 '2879196232471320459', 9 '6260911340920427003', 10 '12776764566159396624', 11 '15437049687902878835', 12 '17620933630628481201') and 13 event='db file parallel read' 14 group by sql_id 15 order by seconds desc; SQL_ID SECONDS ------------- ---------- ak2wk2sjwnd34 159020 95b6t1sp7y40y 37030 brkfcwv1mqsas 11370 7rdc79drfp28a 30
db file sequential read:
select 2 sql_id, 3 (count(*)*10) seconds 4 from DBA_HIST_ACTIVE_SESS_HISTORY 5 where 6 FORCE_MATCHING_SIGNATURE in 7 ('944718698451269965', 8 '2879196232471320459', 9 '6260911340920427003', 10 '12776764566159396624', 11 '15437049687902878835', 12 '17620933630628481201') and 13 event='db file sequential read' 14 group by sql_id 15 order by seconds desc; SQL_ID SECONDS ------------- ---------- 95b6t1sp7y40y 26840 ak2wk2sjwnd34 22550 6h0km9j5bp69t 13300 brkfcwv1mqsas 170 7rdc79drfp28a 130
Two queries stood out at the top waiters on these two events: 95b6t1sp7y40y and ak2wk2sjwnd34. Then I just ran my normal sqlstat query for both sql_ids for both test and production to find out when they last ran. Here is what the query looks like for ak2wk2sjwnd34:
select ss.sql_id, ss.plan_hash_value, sn.END_INTERVAL_TIME, ss.executions_delta, ELAPSED_TIME_DELTA/(executions_delta*1000) "Elapsed Average ms", CPU_TIME_DELTA/(executions_delta*1000) "CPU Average ms", IOWAIT_DELTA/(executions_delta*1000) "IO Average ms", CLWAIT_DELTA/(executions_delta*1000) "Cluster Average ms", APWAIT_DELTA/(executions_delta*1000) "Application Average ms", CCWAIT_DELTA/(executions_delta*1000) "Concurrency Average ms", BUFFER_GETS_DELTA/executions_delta "Average buffer gets", DISK_READS_DELTA/executions_delta "Average disk reads", ROWS_PROCESSED_DELTA/executions_delta "Average rows processed" from DBA_HIST_SQLSTAT ss,DBA_HIST_SNAPSHOT sn where ss.sql_id = 'ak2wk2sjwnd34' and ss.snap_id=sn.snap_id and executions_delta > 0 and ss.INSTANCE_NUMBER=sn.INSTANCE_NUMBER order by ss.snap_id,ss.sql_id;
I found two time periods where both of these queries were recently run on both test and production and got an AWR report for each time period to compare them.
Here are a couple of pieces of the AWR report for the test database:
Here are similar pieces for the production database:
What really stood out to me was that the wait events were so different. In production the db file parallel read waits averaged around 1 millisecond and the db file sequential reads averaged under 1 ms. On test they were 26 and 5 milliseconds, respectively. The elapsed times for sql_ids 95b6t1sp7y40y and ak2wk2sjwnd34 were considerably longer in test.
This is as far as my investigation went. I know that the slowdown is most pronounced on the two queries and I know that their I/O waits correspond to the two wait events. I am still trying to find a way to bring the I/O times down on our test database so that it more closely matches production. But at least I have a more narrow focus with the two top queries and the two wait events.
Very nice post, thank you for sharing.
Thank you for your comment.
Probably you need to check disk io read column in awe for both environment. It should be less than 10ms. It could be visible in tablespace and data file io status in awr report.
Thanks, I’ve definitely been looking at the I/O sections of the AWR. I think that db file parallel read may cover multiple I/Os in a single wait so it would be ok if it were over 10 milliseconds. But, my problem is that on production some degree of caching is bringing even db file parallel read down to a fantastic 1 millisecond value which is hard to keep up with on my test system.
Nice post
useful post