Author Archives: Bobby

About Bobby

I live in Chandler, Arizona with my wife and three daughters. I work for US Foods, the second largest food distribution company in the United States. I have worked in the Information Technology field since 1989. I have a passion for Oracle database performance tuning because I enjoy challenging technical problems that require an understanding of computer science. I enjoy communicating with people about my work.

ORA-14767 when day of month > 28 with interval partitioning month interval

Creating a range partitioned table with a date type partitioning column and a month interval must have a starting partition that has a day < 29 or it gets an ORA-14767 error. The error message “Cannot specify this interval with … Continue reading

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Free Machine Learning Class from MIT

I noticed this new class from MIT: It is about machine learning and is free. I think it has some built in exercises with automatic grading but no instructor to interact with. Since ML is such a hot topic … Continue reading

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60,000 sessions in 64 gigabyte VM using shared servers

Just a quick note. I have an application that is generating thousands of inactive sessions and with the default dedicated server configuration we are having to add more and more memory to our virtual host to support the connections. We … Continue reading

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I ran this query with a hint: I ran this select to get the plan: I was getting this error: Column Projection Information (identified by operation id): 1 – “BLOCKS”[NUMBER,22] ORA-00904: : invalid identifier I found that my user or … Continue reading

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Finding queries with bad plans from an AWR report of a load test

I want to document some recent steps that I have been taking to support new development on a transactional system. Every time the system has a new release, if that release includes Oracle SQL changes, I am asked to create … Continue reading

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Simple tools I use

Just a quick note about two tools I use: TextPad – my favorite text editor. I know everyone has their own, but this is mine. UnixUtls – Unix like tools on a Windows command line. Bobby P.S. I need to … Continue reading

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Wrapped Lines and Squished Pictures

I have been having trouble using WordPress on this blog. I keep having long lines wrapped instead of having a slider that readers can use to see the end of the lines. Also, pictures that looked fine when I posted … Continue reading

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DBVERIFY (dbv) outputs block_id for bigfiles

I posted a question about this and didn’t find an answer. I searched both Oracle’s support site and the internet in general. I ran the DBVERIFY utility dbv against a bigfile datafile that had corrupt blocks and wanted to relate … Continue reading

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$6 per month for blog on AWS

It looks like this blog is costing me about $6 per month on AWS which is cool. I was paying about $200/year or about $17 per month on iPage. I am not sure what I am missing. This blog is … Continue reading

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Created MySQL Scripts Repository

Most of my work is with Oracle databases but I have been starting to learn a little bit about MySQL. Where I work, we have a bunch of on premises Oracle databases including large and active ones with various challenging … Continue reading

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