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Search Results for: Python
Archivelog Space Needed Python Script
I wrote a script called to help size our Oracle archive log filesystems to support replication tools such as Fivetran, DMS, or GoldenGate which need a certain number of hours or days of archive log history at all times. … Continue reading
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Querying Many Databases in Parallel in Python
I have some Python scripts that I use to access a bunch of databases to gather information such as the size of the database. Usually it is not that important how long they take so I have been running queries … Continue reading
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Python Formatted Print
I wanted to write a quick post to document how to format nice columns in Python. Mainly I want to remember this myself and if I put it on my blog, I can find it quickly. There are probably better … Continue reading
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How to email from Python
I got an email asking how to send an alert email from a Python script. Here is an example based on a script I have setup: You need to replace “PUT YOUR SMTP SERVER HERE” with the host name of … Continue reading
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Python Script to Scan Listener Log For Incoming Connections
Wrote a quick and dirty script to scan the listener log for incoming connections and produce a count of how many connections came from which host. Here is the URL: All it does is hack out the ip address … Continue reading
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Python 3.8.1 Linux Install Without Root
I wanted to install the latest Python on Linux in a low powered user’s home directory and not have the install interfere with the Python that comes with Linux. I wanted my own local copy of Python that I could … Continue reading
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Python Script To Backup Linux Directory To Windows
I found out that my blog backup script was failing so I had to rewrite it to handle dropped connections to my remote sftp server. In the process I broke out as much of the code as I could into … Continue reading
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Python Practice Produced Pretty Pictures
I wrote a Python program that made some fun pictures so I thought I would share them even though this is not really a database post. I practice Python programming by doing Rosetta Code programming tasks that no one has … Continue reading
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New utility Python scripts for DBAs
I pushed out three new Python scripts that might be helpful to Oracle DBAs. They are in my miscpython repository. – run Unix/Linux commands on a remote server – Get the version from a database – i.e. … Continue reading
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Hear my Python for the Oracle DBA talk in Scottsdale on November 16th
I am going to giving a talk about why Python is a good programming language for Oracle DBAs in Scottsdale on November 16th for the Arizona Oracle User Group, AZORA. We may get some other speakers together for the meeting … Continue reading
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